Stop consuming hazardous MICROPLASTICS EVERYDAY

Drinking water from plastic tanks can have several health impacts due to the potential leaching of chemicals from the plastic material into the water

ss water tank
In India
Genuine Stailess steel

Trusted by over 7000 Health Seekers, Worldwide. Since 2005.

prevent cancer in your home

We're excited to introduce " Neropure " innovation: " Stainless Steel insulated water Tanks." Crafted from high-grade stainless steel.

ss water tanks
ss water tanks
ss water tanks
Features & Benefits




Agnus International offers NEROPURE stainless steel insulated water storage tanks which are customizable to new and to-be-renovated homes of all sizes, and all types of housing societies being developed by the builders.

People insured safe water for family

Customers has priority of securing g family from microplastics in daily waterÂ